fix dilate pupil ne demek?

Pupil dilation (dilate pupil) is a normal response of the body to certain stimuli, such as changes in light or emotional arousal. When the pupil dilates, it becomes larger in size, allowing more light to enter the eye. This is achieved by the contraction of the iris muscles, which pull back the outer edges of the iris, and increase the size of the opening of the pupil.

There are also some medical procedures that can induce pupil dilation, such as eye examinations, eye surgeries, or the administration of certain medications. In ophthalmology, pupil dilation is used to allow for better visualization of the retina and other parts of the eye during examination or surgery.

However, prolonged or excessive pupil dilation may indicate underlying health conditions, such as neurological disorders, drug intoxication, or eye trauma, and requires medical attention.